Sunday, 17 July 2011

Free Brendan Lillis

The John Brady Society Scotland demand the immediate release of Republican POW Brendan Lillis!

Brendan Lillis was sent to Maghaberry gaol after having his license revoked even though he had already served a sentence for his part in Republican activity. He is suffering from a severe illness called ankylosing spondylitis and is nearing death. Brendan has been given a limited time to live and although this is the case the British state are prepared to watch another Irishman die in one of their gaols. 

Brendans weight has recently dropped below 6 stone and he has been confined to a bed for over 600 days. Along with Brendans friends and family we demand that he is released by the British state on humanitarian grounds, and he receive the medical attention he needs in the correct facilities.

PRO John Brady Society Scotland 

Support the POWs !

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